[CHWP Titles] | ![]() |
[CHC 2004] |
susan.e.gibson@ualberta.ca ||||http://www.ualberta.ca/~segibson/ |||| About the Author
CHWP A.48, publ. April 2009. © Editors of CHWP 2009.
KEYWORDS / MOTS-CLÉS: Computer technology, faculty, professional development, classroom integration, stories / La technologie informatique, les professeurs, développement professionnel, implantation et enseignement, récits .
section | |
1.0 Introduction | |
2.0 Setting the Context | |
2.1 Relationship to Existing Research and Literature | |
3.0 The Design Process | |
3.1 Organization of the Website | |
4.0 Contribution | |
References |
Technology supported learning environments are becoming more
commonplace in universities. Unfortunately, many students are not
experiencing the benefits of technology-enhanced learning as professors
are only beginning to make use of the available technologies in their
teaching. The greatest challenge facing faculty is to become both
knowledgeable about and proficient with a wide variety of technologies
as well as with the possibilities of these technologies for both
enhancing students’ learning. Here is where faculty professional
development opportunities become very important. However, not all
professional development experiences are equally as beneficial for
faculty. In a survey of post secondary educators across Canada
regarding faculty use of technology, Cuneo, Campbell and Harnish (2002)
found that when in need of computing assistance the majority of faculty
rely on their personal networks and their access to manuals. Almost
half (40%) of those surveyed claimed that they would turn to colleagues
and friends in their own departments and outside their department for
help. Very few (20%) saw any benefit in one-shot workshops. Schad
(2003) also found little benefit from one size fits all workshops.
Cuneo et al. (2002) suggested that, "Colleges and universities might be
wiser to invest in manuals and online help documentation and personal
computing staff support rather than workshops and conferences, in order
to assist their faculty with computing problems" (p. 3).
As shown in the Cuneo et al. Study (2002), most faculty professional
development at the post secondary level tends to be of an ad hoc
nature. It usually involves an interested individual who sees a
personal need for a particular technology use and who seeks out someone
more skilled with computers for help. To date, there have been few
attempts to formalize these mentoring experiences. Judy Roberts and
Associates (1999) recognized the dearth of professional development
opportunities in ICT for university faculty. They stated that,
“It is essential that faculty present models of teaching in which
technology plays a role but it is difficult for them to do so if they
do not have models of ICT practice readily available” (p. 8).
Albion and Gibson (1998) recommended that one way to provide such
models for faculty is through individual faculty sharing innovative
teaching methods. This sharing of innovations can encourage others as
"examples of effective practice with technologies may assist teachers
to acquire the insights which will enable them to adapt their own
practice" (Albion & Gibson, 1998, p. 1). All of these researchers
noted that there needs to be more sharing of these examples of faculty
professional development experiences regarding the integration of
computer technologies. In this article I share my experiences as an
Education faculty member and interested technology user designing a
professional development tool to encourage faculty to use technology in
their undergraduate teaching.
The Teaching with Technology in the Faculty of Education (TTFE) website
[http://www.quasar.ualberta.ca/ttfe] was created by an
interdisciplinary team of professional development experts and
technology specialists. The website features the sharing of faculty
stories with technology in order to encourage colleagues to think about
how best to integrate technology into their teaching of their
undergraduate courses. The author is hoping that some of the lessons
learned throughout this process may be relevant to others in similar
The Faculty of Education featured in this paper is one of the
largest teacher preparation programs in Canada. The Faculty Technology
Council at this institution has taken steps to encourage the use of
computer technologies in the learning experiences of preservice
teachers by creating a Faculty Technology Plan and by identifying the
places where the provincially mandated Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) Outcomes Program of Study from the Ministry of
Learning (Alberta Learning, 2000) are currently being addressed in
teacher education courses. The next challenge is to encourage all
instructors in the program to use technology in their teaching. Many
noteworthy attempts are being made by individual faculty to enhance
their courses with the use of technology; however, there had been no
provision made for sharing those ideas across the faculty. While
one-on-one modeling and sharing can be an effective professional
development experience, there has been little done to try to formalize
these narratives and exemplars in a centralized fashion.
The goal of this project was to create a common space where technology
integration ideas could be featured and instructors could be engaged in
actively seeking out ways to teach in new technology enhanced
environments. The main objective was to provide a professional
development website that would be relevant, meaningful and supportive
for all users, ranging from early adopters looking for new ideas to
relative non-users. The resultant website would house a suite of online
tools and resources that can be used by all Faculty of Education
instructors including sessionals, graduate student teaching assistants
and tenured faculty members for technology-related professional
The development of this website was enhanced by a review of the
existing research literature on designing web-based experiences for
adult learners. The work of Susan Imel (1994, 2001) was particularly
informative as she provided some features that create an effective
adult learning environment. These features included: a) providing a
nonjudgmental and nonthreatening atmosphere in which the learner feels
both safe and challenged; b) supporting collaborative networking, c)
providing for active and flexible learning, d) focusing on relevancy,
and e) emphasizing learning "with technology playing a supporting role"
(Imel, 2001, p. 1). Each of these features was given serious
consideration in the design of the TTFE site.
Oliver and Herrington's (2002) work was also instructive. They argued
that "forms of learning design most appropriate to higher education are
those based on constructivist learning principles" (Oliver &
Herrington, 2002, p. 1501). They described a framework of three
critical elements for online learning. These elements are "the learning
tasks or the activities, problems, interactions used to engage the
learners and upon which learning is based; the learning resources or
the content, information and resources and the underpinning knowledge
with which the learners interact and which needs to be accessible in a
variety of ways and from a variety of perspectives; and, the learning
supports or the schedules, scaffolds, structures, encouragements,
motivations, assistances and connections used to support and guide
learning" (Oliver & Herrington, 2002, p. 1501).
Scott (2003) added that learning needs to proceed in digestible chunks,
needs to have flexible learning pathways and needs to link theory to
practice. Race (1996) called for the inclusion of practical pointers,
of materials that require active engagement and that are not meant to
be just read; and the provision of introductory or background material
rather than a lengthy treatise that busy academic staff do not have the
time to read. Roberts et al. (1999) noted further that professional
development opportunities should “reflect the realities of the
participants’ situations” (p. v). They reiterated
Fullan’s call for attention to collegial support systems in
designing professional development opportunities in order to provide
the emotional support that comes from working with colleagues. Stein
(1998) addressed the need for scaffolds for new learners that vary in
the type and intensity of guidance in order to assist the user in
mastering the situation. Novak and Patterson (1998) called for a
just-in -time approach to adult learning that uses communication
technologies to add an extra dimension to the active learner
environment. Mackenzie (1998) concurred that just-in-time support,
assistance and encouragement when needed is the best way to win
widespread use of new technologies.
This literature review provided some important considerations for
designing an effective professional development model for our faculty.
Of particular importance were the points raised about the need for a
model for faculty professional development that is user friendly,
flexible, interactive, succinct, relevant and practical.
Work on this project began in the late Fall of 2003 with a broad
review of the international research literature on what is currently
being done in terms of faculty PD and what is working best for changing
practice and enhancing learning in the area of teacher education.
Secondly, based on the advice of Roberts et al. (1999) and Imel (1994),
who stressed the importance of obtaining a needs assessment "to get
information about the amount and type of direction learners require"
(p. 2), a formal needs assessment was conducted. In the early Winter of
2004, a focus group of instructors in the Faculty of Education, who
were either currently not using technology in their teaching or were
looking for new ways to use technology, met to talk about what they
were doing in their courses to integrate technology and what their
needs were in relation to technology integration. Several findings
arising out of this needs assessment were used to determine what kind
of PD experiences might be most useful for our faculty. These findings
included the importance of collegial sharing, the need for continued
faculty orientation regarding the possibilities for technology
integration, and the concern about the amount of time that it often
takes to learn to integrate technology.
The decision was made to design a website; one that is low risk, easily
accessible and user friendly so the user can find something quickly to
inform practice; that is supportive rather than directive; that allows
for guided exploration of a repository of diverse models; that is
open-ended rather than a one-way presentation of information; and, that
is interactive rather than static so that the user has opportunities to
comment and contribute. Through guided exploration, users are able to
engage in exploring questions about a number of different technology
enhanced learning environments. The site focuses primarily on tapping
into the current expertise in our faculty. Featured on the site are
vignettes of faculty members sharing their stories of technology
integration. There is also be a built-in opportunity to engage with
faculty members as peer coaches about pedagogical issues. Faculty can
find teaching resources and examine ideas from other educational
institutions as well.
The Teaching with Technology in the Faculty of Education (TTFE)
website is based on an architectural metaphor. The homepage of the site
features a picture of our faculty building that is intended to put the
user immediately at ease. The user "enters" the faculty building by
clicking on the elevator icon. Each of the remaining pages of the site
is framed by the elevator image including a sidebar directory, floor
selection buttons and a floor indicator on the top of each page. Once
in the elevator, the user can select from six floors. The choice to go
with this architectural metaphor was based on Imel's (2001) finding
regarding the need for a nonthreatening, safe learning atmosphere. It
was felt that having a familiar working environment would make this a
less threatening, more user friendly experience especially for faculty
just beginning to think about technology integration.
On the main floor, users are able to learn more about why the use of
computer technologies should be an integral part of teaching and
learning. Here, there is an About This Site section that
describes the purpose for the site. The Some Theory section
provides a brief synthesis of constructivist learning theory. This
learning theory is featured because numerous research studies on
effective integration of computer technologies in schools points to
uses that support constructivist learning principles as being most
effective for enhancing student learning (Jonassen, Howland, Moore
& Marra, 2003). As Cameron White (1995) stated, "A constructivist,
process orientation to teacher education is essential if we are to
encourage students to develop problem solving and critical thinking
skills and to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate knowledge, skills
and attitudes" (p. 290). The Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) Outcomes section contains an overview of the
technologies featured in the provincial Ministry of Learning ICT
outcomes and a direct link to the Alberta Learning ICT Program of Study
(2003) document. There is also a video vignette of a ministry
representative who talks about what these outcomes are and why they are
important to the education of children in the province. Users can also
view a site map and get navigational information about the site. This
decision was made because we wanted users to hear about the importance
of addressing technology outcomes in order to better prepare our future
teachers from a professional organization perspective. Finally, there
is an option here to provide feedback on the site using an online
feedback form.
The content of each of the remaining five elevator floors has been
organized around categories of use. As recommended by Avril Loveless
(2002), these categories "reflect the ways in which people work with
ICT for particular purposes. They focus on the reasons for using ICT,
not on a list of specific applications, software or resources" (p. 13).
Under each category users can examine three examples of ways to
integrate technology related to the particular category of use.
Category of Use |
Examples |
Retrieving and Synthesizing Information |
Online searches Scavenger Hunts Virtual Field Trips |
Communicating and Collaborating |
Discussion boards Videoconferencing Telecollaborative projects |
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving |
Concept mapping WebQuests Simulations |
Designing Instructional Materials |
Presentation software Creating course websites Digital Media |
Assessing and Evaluating |
Online Assessment Methods Test item banks Electronic portfolios |
While visiting each of these floors, users are able to access several specific technology-related activities. The Department Office includes information about the specified activity. For example, on the communicating and collaborating floor there is a section on discussion boards which ahs the following information under the Department Office:
Discussion boards are a useful communication tool because they allow for the extension of the traditional classroom learning space by encouraging interaction among students, and between students and the instructor beyond the regular classroom time and space constraints. Such interactions provide students with the opportunity to "speak" without face-to-face inhibiting factors. Online conversations can also prompt reflection and help students to think about their ideas and how best to articulate those ideas so that they are clear to others. They can encourage self-checking for understanding, clarification of inaccuracies in one's expressed ideas, rethinking and reframing of prior ideas and moving students from being receivers of knowledge to being constructors of knowledge. Having reflective time before responding can also allow for more analytical and strategic responses to a problem.
The Instructor Office has a video vignette of a faculty member who is currently using that activity in his/her teaching. The Lab provides a set of instructions about where to begin using such an activity in one's own teaching. These instructions are given in varying degrees of difficulty from beginner to advanced. The Lounge has a discussion area where users can ask questions about the activity. The Library gives the user access to a number of sites that provide further examples of the activity. The same pattern is followed for each of the remaining floors.
The Teaching with Technology in the Faculty of Education website was
completed in the summer of 2004. This fall, all faculty members are
being introduced to the site at a Faculty Council meeting and through
the faculty listserv. The next step is to undertake a formal assessment
of the site's usefulness as a professional development tool. Such a
study of the effectiveness of the site as a catalyst for encouraging
faculty to envision the possibilities for technology integration in
their teaching is currently underway. Three types of data are being
collected as a part of this study in order to determine the
effectiveness of the TTFE website as a professional development tool.
One tool that is currently being developed is an online feedback form
to be inserted into the home page of the website. Self-selected users
will be able to fill this form out anonymously. It will feature
questions such as: How easy was it to find the information that you
were looking for on the TTFE website, Did the site help you to think
about ways to integrate technology into your teaching, What problems
did you encounter using the site, What were your favourite parts of the
site, How helpful were the vignettes of faculty members, etc. Another
data source will include a follow-up session with the focus group that
was initially involved as part of a needs assessment at the beginning
design stages of the website in order to get their sense of whether the
site addresses the suggestions that were made in the initial focus
group as well as what the focus group thinks about the site. A third
data source will involve interviewing two or three faculty members
using a “talk aloud” strategy as they are engaging with the
website. This evaluation will hopefully provide information on both the
site's user friendliness as well as its effectiveness as a professional
development tool. Changes will be made to the site based on this
As of yet, the contribution of the TTFE website to the technology
integration efforts of our faculty is unknown; however, it is hoped
that through the use of this website we might be able to move our
faculty forward as our instructors acquire a better sense of what they
could do to enhance the use of computer-based technologies in their
teaching. Glenn (2002) asks what can be considered to be viable models
for preparing faculty to infuse technology into teacher education
programs. Whether this model will be one of the viable ones remains to
be seen.
Alberta Learning (2003). Information and communication technologies
program of studies. Retrieved April 30, 2004 from http://www.learning.gov.ab.ca/k_12/curriculum/bySubject/cts
Albion, P. & Gibson, I. (1998). Designing problem-based learning
multimedia for teacher education. Technology and Teacher Education
Annual. Retrieved from http://www.coe.uh.edu/insite/elec_pub/HTML1998/th_albi.htm
Cuneo, C., Campbell, B. & Harnish, D. (April 2002). The integration
and effectiveness of ICTs in Canadian postsecondary education. 2002
Pan-Canadian Research Agenda Symposium "Information technology and
learning," Montreal, Quebec. Retrieved May 12, 2004 from
Glenn, A. (2002). Emergence of technology standards for preservice
teacher education. North Central Regional Educational Laboratory
(NCREL). Retrieved May 13, 2004 from http://www.ncrel.org/tech/standard/index.html
Imel, S. (2001) Learning Technologies in Adult Education: Myths and
Realities No. 17. ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational
Education. Retrieved from
Imel, S. (1994). Guidelines for working with adult learners. ERIC
Clearinghouse on Adult Career and Vocational Education No. 154.
Retrieved January 19, 2004 from http://www.ericfacility.net/ericdigests/ed377313.html
Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Moore, J. & Marra, M. (2003). Learning
to solve problems with technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill
Prentice Hall.
Kortecamp, K. & Croninger, W. (1995). Integrating technology in
preservice education: a model for faculty development. Technology
and Teacher Education Annual. (pp. 283-286). Virginia: Association
for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Loveless, A. (2002). ICT in the primary curriculum. In Loveless, A.
& Dore, B. (Eds.), ICT in the primary school (pp. 3 -22).
Open University Press: Buckingham,UK.
McKenzie, J. (1998). Creating learning cultures with just-in-time
support. Retrieved May 4, 2004 from
Novak, G. & Patterson, E. (May 1998). Just-in-time teaching: Active
learner pedagogy with WWW. Paper presented at International Conference
on Computers and Advanced Technology, Cancun, Mexico. Retrieved May 4,
2004 from
Oliver, R. & Herrington, J. (2002). Online learning design for
dummies: Professional development strategies for beginning online
designers. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA World Conference on Educational
Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. Retrieved May 9, 2004
from http://dl.aacc.org/10377
Race, P. (1996) Practical pointers to flexible learning. Retrieved
Tuesday, May 4, 2004 from
Roberts, J. & Associates. (1999). Integration of information and
communication technologies (ICTs) through teacher professional
development: Issues and trends in Canada. Retrieved May 17, 2004 from http://www.cmec.ca/international/forum/cait.canadaen.pdf
Scott, G. (2003). Effective change management in higher education.
EDUCAUSE Review, 38(6), 64-80. Retrieved December 4, 2003 from
Stein, D. (1998). Situated learning in adult education. ERIC Digest
#195. Retrieved April 7, 2003 from http://www.ericacve.org/docs/situated195.htm
White, C. (1995). The place for technology in a constructivist teacher
education program. Technology and Teacher Education Annual.
(pp. 290-293). VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in